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Thank you Neal Jeromson

Thank you Neal Jeromson

Phil Solomon10 Jun - 13:29
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Neal retires from his role as Datchworth RFC Club Chairman after 14 years of dedicated service.

Neal will be a very hard act to follow and we wish our new Chairman, Warren Sullivan, every success in that role.
- Jeremy Gilham

Jeremy Gilham, Head of Senior Men's Rugby, recounts the moment Neal stepped forward to take on the role. "I was sitting next to Neal Jeromson at a DRFC AGM fourteen years ago when the then Chairman, Allan Leggetter, was desperately searching for a successor. Neal turned to me saying that he fancied giving it a crack and I said, “go for it!” He was duly elected. I very much doubt whether he envisaged being Chairman for fourteen years. (I did it for seven and was knackered by the end!)."

Andrew Howard said "Over many years Neal has been a great club player in the Front Row before turning his attention to Mini and Youth Coaching alongside his longstanding role as Club Chairman. Neal has been a tireless supporter of the Mini and Youth Section positively supporting the growth of the Mini and Youth game and more recently lending his support to the Girls section. Neal has supported Quiz Nights, Dinner Dances, Youth Festivals and Tours and has done more than his fair share behind the BBQ as well!"

Jeremy continues "Neal has also sat on the DSC Management Committee and given his whole-hearted support to the Women’s and Men’s Sections of the Club throughout his time as Chairman. It’s almost inevitable that, during such a long stint, there have been a few disputes for him to resolve and fires to put out and he has always done this with diplomacy and a firm hand.

Neal never blows his own trumpet but he has quietly achieved a lot for DRFC during his tenure as Chairman, including the planning permission for and the construction of the new floodlights on the training pitch and his close involvement in the Club’s 50th Anniversary celebrations and the regular Vice-Presidents’Lunches. There are many other things that he has done for the Club but I rather doubt whether he would want me to list them all. Under him, the Club’s committee meetings were invariably enjoyable and constructive. His wife Helen has also been tireless in her support of Neal and in producing delicious after-match meals. Thankfully, Neal and Helen are not departing the scene entirely and will still be involved in the organisation of the VPs’ Lunches.

Neal will be a very hard act to follow and we wish our new Chairman, Warren Sullivan, every success in that role."

Further reading